Does your tattoo artist respect you enough to make 100% sure that you are safe?
With the dawn of internet shopping, it has become very easy to pick up a tattoo kit online and hit Youtube to get enough advice to begin tattooing people. Unfortunately, this means guys are picking up the art form without apprenticeships and proper training on client safety. This is very dangerous and the tattooing industry is seeing a huge rise in poorly executed tattoos on very unhappy people.
Remember that when you get tattooed you are ultimately the boss and you should ask your tattooist / artist questions about training, experience and hygiene. Make sure that surfaces, bottles, machines and the clipcord (wire going into the tattoo machine) are all covered properly before you begin your sitting. Do not settle!
At Romans Tattoo
When it comes to protecting my clients from cross contamination from previous tattoos I have a no compromise policy and every Tattoo setup is 100% clean and furniture furniture used for the tattoo is covered with properly with barrier products and wiped down after you go.
Here is a quick breakdown of what you can expect to find when you come for your tattoo
- Tattoo work station – This is the little table used to hold all the kit needed for your tattoo. Essentially everything on this surface needs to either be disposable, autoclaveable or wrapped in plastic. This is not place to keep anything not needed for the actual execution of the tattoo. When the Tattoo starts, NO bottles of ink, tub of Vaseline or the box of gloves will be found here.
- Tattoo machines – Depending on the tattoo I may use 2 old school coil machines and / or a tattoo pen. These will be covered in machine bags and grip tape. The clip cord which connects the machine to the power supply as well as the power supply is covered with a clip cord cover and cling wrap. This enables me to adjust the power to tha machine without touching the power supply
- Ink caps – These are little disposable caps that hold the ink used for your tattoo. These along with the ink left over from the sitting will get discarded
- Tattoo Needles or Cartridges
- Vaseline or Tattoo Gel-O
- Alcohol pads – To wipe the skin down before the tattoo
- Tongue depressor sticks
- Disposable Razor
- Dental bib – This goes over the surface of the table on the plastic wrap and is just another layer
- Spray bottle – This holds the solution used for cleaning the tattoo while working
- Arm rest and massage bed – wrapped in plastic for the tattoo and covered with a linen saver for your protection
- Sharps bin – This Bio hazard bin is collected and properly disposed of my a third party company
If you have any questions about Tattoo shop hygiene please feel free to contact me and I will do my best to assist you..